About Me
I have a Bachelor's in English and Creative Writing, which means I have a lot of practice pretending to know what I'm talking about, and am now working on a Master's in Library Science so that I may someday be a Keeper of the Books.
Currently, I work at a library, which is pretty much the greatest job ever for people like me, but also a terrible curse in that I check out way more books on a daily basis than I can hope to read.
What I Like to Read
I'm pretty open to most things. I used to a lot narrower in my tastes, but then, like a fine wine, my tastes matured allowing for much richer flavors. I suppose I generally prefer that nebulous genre "literary fiction" that isn't terribly descriptive. I like stories that are psychological, stories that are dark and gritty, and stories that may or may not (see: psychological) contain elements of the supernatural. I also enjoy magical realism, fabulism, and the occasional surrealism. Genre-wise, fantasy has been my oldest love (by which I mean J.R.R. Tolkien), but I've found it doesn't quite interest me as much as it used to (though George R.R. Martin may prove me wrong yet). I'm not hugely into sci-fi, though I do enjoy it sometimes, and when I do, I tend to prefer cyberpunk over space opera. I don't really care for spy/detective/mystery thrillers, though I have been known to make exceptions for the right book. Pretty much the only thing I won't read is romance. I mostly read adult books because I mostly enjoy adult books, but I will read the occasional YA.
My Favorite Authors
J.R.R Tolkien
Ray Bradbury
George Saunders
David Mitchell
J.K. Rowling